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Simply upload your event recording—whether it's a panel, workshop, fireside chat, or webinar—and we'll craft high-quality content for you.
MP4, mov, file size no more than 10MB
Turn Your Events Into More Leads, Revenue, and Engagement.
We Have Your Back.
No Do-It-Yourself Required.
Our clients share a common goal: to generate new revenue, leads, and engagement from their recorded talks.
To create the engaging, media-rich content your audience craves—while staying true to your brand—you need more than just an AI tool; you need AnswerBite.

20X Insightful Content
It's not about quantity, it’s about quality. It just happens we deliver both.

42-Hour Turnaround Time
Think a human touch means slower service? Think again.

Only $99 Per Session
That's right—a dedicated event marketing team for just $99 per session.
How it Works
Effortlessly Maximize Event ROI
Don’t let valuable insights from your event sessions go to waste.
Repurposing recorded event content is demanding, requiring significant time, technical expertise, and resources, straining overburdened event teams and leading to missed lead generation, engagement, and revenue opportunities.
AnswerBite does all that heavy load for you, turning your keynotes, panels, workshops, podcasts and demos into expert written content marketing assets your attendees demand and sponsors will back.

50+ Content Marketing Assets

Our Customers Speak for Us
Best-Practices From Event Leaders
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Event Leaders Spotlight Series
Events are more than gatherings; they are catalysts for change, driving innovation, fostering connections, and inspiring action. TED...
Have you ever wondered how giants like Hewlett-Packard Enterprise excel in pulling off unforgettable events? In the competitive world...
What’s the secret to programming an event that draws over 400,000 attendees every year and stays relevant across decades? Hugh Forrest...
Have Questions?
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to the most common questions about our service. If you don’t see your question here, feel free to contact our support team at help@answerbite.com or via our chat box in the bottom right hand corner.
What types of live event recordings do you accept?Panels, Keynote Speeches, Workshops, Demos, Webinars. If you have a video or audio recording of an expert(s) speaking for longer than 10 minutes, we can help.
Do you accept both video and audio recordings?Yes. AnswerBite can turn your video and audio recordings into premium content.
What types of recording files and file sizes do you accept?We accept all file types: M4A, MP4, MP3, MOV. A file cannot exceed 3 GBs.
How long does it take to receive premium content?Turnaround time is 24 hours for each recording shared.
How would we be charged for a two-day event with multiple sessions like panels, workshops, and keynotes?AnswerBite charges per session. For example, if your event has a keynote speaker, a panel, and a workshop, we will extract insights from each session and charge for three sessions, regardless of the format.
Can I extract a Takeaways Playbook from multiple sessions, and is there a limit to the number of sessions I can summarize?There is no limit to the number of sessions you can summarize into one Playbook. We follow best practices to ensure the Takeaways are presented in the most relevant format.